





2011/09/11 19:00

【画像あり】 女性チームと全裸の男性チームによるラグビー対決 おまわりさん早く!

1 名無しさん@涙目です。(大阪府) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:22:14.06 ID:oCP4sATa0




3 名無しさん@涙目です。(関東・甲信越) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:24:31.57 ID:l+2VuDyaO

4 名無しさん@涙目です。(愛知県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:25:43.76 ID:4twX/ALB0

5 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:25:48.01 ID:QDkztpJe0

6 名無しさん@涙目です。(北海道) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:26:06.10 ID:W1xFJX660

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8 名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:26:23.86 ID:akgIST3l0

9 名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:26:24.70 ID:l81o9+Wt0

10 名無しさん@涙目です。(関西・北陸) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:26:37.73 ID:eJCXSJnjO

11 名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:26:39.04 ID:uX3VGjcz0

12 名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:26:59.95 ID:mxWTV36e0

13 名無しさん@涙目です。(静岡県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:27:40.72 ID:bJSCPz0F0


14 名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:28:19.73 ID:Zj9lTUWm0

93 名無しさん@涙目です。(九州) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 13:51:44.33 ID:flhGe+m8O

15 名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:28:22.11 ID:K2Tp28xb0

16 名無しさん@涙目です。(福井県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:28:26.95 ID:ffMyZumt0

19 名無しさん@涙目です。(チベット自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:30:02.36 ID:+PbBAsOw0

26 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:33:09.85 ID:DdWWvxlc0

18 名無しさん@涙目です。(福岡県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:29:47.28 ID:mYL/6POy0


25 名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:32:55.34 ID:AkXLCuRJP

39 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 (iPhone) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:59:36.77 ID:67haASVa0

55 名無しさん@涙目です。(北海道) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 10:05:58.97 ID:nMasXHrz0

65 名無しさん@涙目です。(秘境の地) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:28:07.32 ID:FHpL6qg80

91 名無しさん@涙目です。(大阪府) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 13:44:55.06 ID:bya/Uedb0

31 名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:36:13.23 ID:TWmb7I6J0

34 名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:44:08.46 ID:bOestXvI0

92 名無しさん@涙目です。(埼玉県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 13:47:27.04 ID:+Twafm5E0

40 名無しさん@涙目です。(関西地方) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 09:24:19.17 ID:nVpxksI/0

44 名無しさん@涙目です。(北海道) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 09:53:55.92 ID:EEJPKWb20

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56 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:10:34.45 ID:vlTYXsPA0

131 名無しさん@涙目です。(愛知県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 17:26:41.71 ID:ujpwORBM0

21 名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:30:30.29 ID:+5BZznPg0

22 名無しさん@涙目です。(福島県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:30:39.84 ID:ATbmn/Jy0

24 名無しさん@涙目です。(西日本) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:32:28.83 ID:iIk+QNvf0


27 名無しさん@涙目です。(鹿児島県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:33:13.79 ID:fNrik5x90

35 名無しさん@涙目です。(チベット自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:48:13.41 ID:UUDFy9960

36 名無しさん@涙目です。(関東・甲信越) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:50:40.08 ID:s8DPOlQ/O

29 名無しさん@涙目です。(長野県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:35:14.58 ID:APyf+8Ku0

42 名無しさん@涙目です。(三重県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 09:51:43.62 ID:smQpTmu/0

130 名無しさん@涙目です。(埼玉県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 17:25:22.98 ID:0N5RxyN10

30 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:35:16.36 ID:1ZRJlX1M0

32 名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 08:40:16.14 ID:1dT953/j0

43 名無しさん@涙目です。(東海) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 09:52:55.72 ID:wAZA52EWO

51 名無しさん@涙目です。(関東・甲信越) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 10:03:27.17 ID:MhkS+VFQO

52 名無しさん@涙目です。(愛知県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 10:04:08.53 ID:L9mkjwsc0

53 名無しさん@涙目です。(禿) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 10:05:04.41 ID:T4ZXjSs4i

54 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 10:05:57.77 ID:s6vhPyNO0

58 名無しさん@涙目です。(長屋) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:13:46.93 ID:ZvW3bSBq0
> スペインチームはトライを決めるごとに1枚脱ぐというルール

59 名無しさん@涙目です。(内モンゴル自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:20:31.69 ID:WqM14//oO

61 名無しさん@涙目です。(チベット自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:22:51.44 ID:nKoAcx6Q0

64 名無しさん@涙目です。(兵庫県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:26:33.17 ID:avMxqbwe0

67 名無しさん@涙目です。(岐阜県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 11:43:40.54 ID:Hg7eUVHz0


69 名無しさん@涙目です。(チベット自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:23:22.34 ID:rtDTdOBo0

74 名無しさん@涙目です。(内モンゴル自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:30:44.31 ID:h+LE1R+SO

133 名無しさん@涙目です。(愛知県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 17:28:44.79 ID:ujpwORBM0

70 名無しさん@涙目です。(関東・甲信越) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:23:33.07 ID:qT6VxfpGO

72 名無しさん@涙目です。(東海・関東) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:29:03.37 ID:UZGaYsgWO

73 名無しさん@涙目です。(福島県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:29:16.08 ID:sub/z4hk0

75 名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:30:50.76 ID:H4H56SHS0


77 名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:33:28.21 ID:ejjaVEET0

79 名無しさん@涙目です。(内モンゴル自治区) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 12:34:54.29 ID:In1bHV2EO

83 名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 13:06:14.66 ID:DUNU5/EQ0
日本って本当につまらん国だよなー こんなの見せられると

90 名無しさん@涙目です。(岡山県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 13:32:02.94 ID:yBEBBSwg0

109 名無しさん@涙目です。(大阪府) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 15:07:57.60 ID:bya/Uedb0

111 名無しさん@涙目です。(京都府) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 15:10:04.05 ID:9XMGgyWj0

113 名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 15:12:11.68 ID:PKrcH32s0

116 名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 15:32:19.18 ID:wTpAfNd40

114 名無しさん@涙目です。(秘境の地) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 15:13:47.48 ID:nlc7qKu20

122 名無しさん@涙目です。(福島県) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 17:04:17.15 ID:sub/z4hk0

117 名無しさん@涙目です。(iPhone) 投稿日:2011/09/11(日) 15:42:44.30 ID:XksFHCFti

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9999:以下、名無しにかわりましてらすたねこがお送りします:2049/12/32(月) 12:48:25.96 ID:rastaneko


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No matter how adept your manly skills are, you are still a man who will cut himself while shaving. So you need an ingredient that will act like an anesthetic, which thankfully apple cider vinegar will. And besides that, you will be making it on your own or beseeching your woman or momma to make it for you; but you will at least know what exactly you are slapping yourself with in the name of an aftershave. Dilute apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water or if you think the smell is an overkill, combine it with witch hazel. Men who want to give others a redolent olfactory experience can add a few drops of rosemary, bergamot or cinnamon oil and leave a manly spoor. After mixing all the ingredients, put them in a jar and place it in a cool dark place for a couple of days (4 5 days is enough), shake it, dab it on a cotton ball, and shine like a freshly lathered stallion.
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I turned my son in a yr ago when he set fire to a resident golf cart! Yeah. 12 yrs old. I was so glad those cops scared the $! out of him. He a bigger kid so I have made it a point to quickly correct him on things like being mean and physical with his younger sisters (all 5 of them) and other kids as well. You HAVE to go big or go home now a days! I always get snide remarks about how strict I am on my kids, but guess what? ; Every question or statement we make is met with a yes mom, yes dad, i understand, I will / won do that, etc NOT YEAH, OK, Whatever. Oooooo! Look of death! We demand respect from our kids and they get ours in abundance in return. It all starts in the home! I very rarely ever have to correct the eldest ones anymore. Nothing wrong with Putting the fear of God into your kid. My son, being 13 now, is my height and weight, but he KNOWS I will always be able to whoop his butt if he steps outta line! Loving your kids means doing whats right for them, not what they see fair.
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I turned my son in a yr ago when he set fire to a resident golf cart! Yeah. 12 yrs old. I was so glad those cops scared the $! out of him. He a bigger kid so I have made it a point to quickly correct him on things like being mean and physical with his younger sisters (all 5 of them) and other kids as well. You HAVE to go big or go home now a days! I always get snide remarks about how strict I am on my kids, but guess what? ; Every question or statement we make is met with a yes mom, yes dad, i understand, I will / won do that, etc NOT YEAH, OK, Whatever. Oooooo! Look of death! We demand respect from our kids and they get ours in abundance in return. It all starts in the home! I very rarely ever have to correct the eldest ones anymore. Nothing wrong with Putting the fear of God into your kid. My son, being 13 now, is my height and weight, but he KNOWS I will always be able to whoop his butt if he steps outta line! Loving your kids means doing whats right for them, not what they see fair.
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Roughly 1,000 posts later, it is time for me to move on. My boy is now becoming quite a young man, and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to share much of his childhood with you (thanks, Zac, for letting me tell the story of how you split your pants at school).
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Comment replies consisting solely of images will be removed. There something very satisfying about having a need fulfilled. Ever since I left caffeine behind, I envied the feeling of that first sip on a quiet morning and it just you and coffee and everything is just right with the world in that moment because you need the coffee and coffee is your only need and you have it. Wouldn go back, but I miss it.thing you’ve learned about your own body that you didn’t know before you were pregnant
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Household ItemsRarely used luggage and camping gear stay out of the way when stored in the attic. Similarly, excess ceramic and other household items store well in this space, including unused kitchen appliances and outdated electronics. Plastic or metal items, such as bird cages, outgrown children play tables, metal bed frames and unused dog crates, stand up well to the fluctuation in temperature and humidity. Buy in bulk without over filling your pantry and store dry foods in airtight containers and keep them close to the attic entrance for easy access. Although you may be tempted to store wood furniture in the attic, it not the best long term space for antique or high end pieces; the constant shift in temperature may warp the wood.
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People miss the most valuable point. Be somebody. Fashion is only an accessory and it has to go with who you are. Its not going to make you better. He definitely has style and its his own. His clothes dont define him, they compliment him. Do you think if you were in his place you would even think of pulling off these conbinations? Perhaps the same colors but mostly just the normal way with practically no experimentation. I think hr pulls it off without looking stupid. Thats fashion. You see something on the runway n 9/10 you wouldnt think of wearing it on the streets. This guy does and shows you how to carry it off. He is definitely cool in my book. I dont carry how many taylor swifts he offends.TheSecretMe comments on This was a year ago
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You could say that Katherine Anne Porter’s novel is part of the same literary tradition as Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: A group of travelers, strangers to each other, embark on a journey and gradually learn each other’s stories. In this case, there are miles of ocean in which to uncover the vanities, prejudices, delusions, illusions and (very occasionally) nobility of the fellow travelers. Porter sets her novel in the years leading up to World War II specifically August 1931 on a ship sailing from Mexico to Germany. The anxious passengers all believe they’re “bound for a place for some reason more desirable than the place they were leaving.” The title says it all: a ship of fools. Ethnicities (Mexicans, Germans, a German Jew, Spaniards, Americans) rub against one another, as do classes (what Porter calls the “white linen class,” a Spanish dancing troupe, American honeymooners). Ultimately, when they reach their destinations, they have little awareness of the violence and devastation they’ll meet with in the years ahead. But we do.
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I slowed down to look into it and it slowed down to look into mine. It was not a capsule I had ever seen. It seemed simple, a spherical glass looking object glowing slightly, like a translucent marble. And as we came to be in front of each other we stopped and we stared. Inside it was the strangest of creatures, a long stem that connected eight legs with an almost pink fleshy skin. There it stood hunched over what seemed to be the controls of its small sphere. It stared at me with two bulbous eyes that popped from its head, and I stared at it amazed, thinking I must be asleep.They say that the double vision is something I will just have to live with
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The only problem I have with this show, which I truly enjoy, is a question as to how fast he actually is. They show the Flash moving around Iris so fast that for a couple of minutes she doesn’t move, yet he is having a conversation with himself while circling her. However, when he confronts the villains he is overcome often quite easily in scenarios where, if he can move that fast, the villains should have no chance to react (or their reactions shouldn’t matter).
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Books and ToysKeep recently read books in the attic, leaving room in the main living space for favorites and unread publications. Metal filing cabinets work provide protection from bugs, but don overfill drawers; books require space to breathe. Old toys and board games that you can part with also find a place in your attic. Keep smaller items in plastic bins or sturdy boxes. Consider the composition of each item: The hair on an antique rocking horse may deteriorate if the attic isn properly ventilated, but a baby plastic activity seat will likely stand up well.Things You Cannot Ignore While Developing The Content of a Website
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It’s the one event every high school boy/girl looks forward to, from the very first day of school prom night. You spend the entire year looking for things that will make your prom night perfect and really special, and as it approaches, you wonder if you will have that perfect kiss that will make your foot pop! But in the sheer excitement and anticipation of the night, you may mess up things for yourself and your date. Here are a few tips about how to make your prom night absolutely perfect.
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There have been many instances where the flower was delivered after the occasion was over. When ordering flower from a florist, make sure this doesn’t happen. For this you need to talk to the representatives of the floral shop and if required you may even have to give them some more money if you want it to get delivered that same day. However, there are many florists that may not charge any extra money for delivering the flowers on the same day. Ask them if they need it because you would definitely not want the flowers to be delivered after everything is over.
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Every girl always dreams of a perfect and special prom night. Make sure you give her just that. Do not let on the spur decisions shape your prom night! Plan and execute. Find out your date’s favorite color, flower, whether she likes the idea of a corsage or not. She said ‘yes’ to you, so you are definitely special. Make sure you make her feel special too by planning a wonderful fun filled evening. You don’t want to be just holding your drink and standing at the bar, wondering what to do next. Be meticulous and plan the evening of her dreams. of course, keeping your budget in mind. (You do NOT want to get in trouble with your Dad.!)
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Vintage band T shirts are often oversized, which can make them look baggy and sloppy. Resizing your old tees so they fit your body better can help. One of the easiest ways to resize an old t shirt is to chop off excess length at the bottom and create a cropped tee. You can trim off the extra material so the shirt ends just at your waist or show a little more skin by cutting it off at the navel. Don worry about the frayed, unfinished edge it work well with the rock and roll look. If the length of the tee is all right but it still too loose for your frame and you handy with a needle and thread, you may want to take in the T shirt along the sides.
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Hiking Boots Hiking boots are fashion forward this season. This year they’re exaggerated, with big buckles and lots of them, or laces that go on forever. If you like the look, and it’s probably one shoe design that’s actually foot friendly, reserve an extra five minutes for shoes on, shoes off duty, because this choice is bold, dynamic and labor intensive. If you just have to add a girlie touch, try a hiking boot with a high heel yes, they are making them, and they add just the right feminine note. They’re long and plush, and they make the new short, pleated, skirt styles look flirty and finished. The Eskimos call them mukluks, but this fall we call them just plain fun. If you love the idea of a little fur (faux, of course) you can expand your choices to include a fur handbag, scarf, coat, shawl, vest or even skirt, too. It’s all good.These boots are made for walking
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It is prom night so there is surely going to be some dancing. Do not select a pair of sandals or heels that will make you uncomfortable and queasy while dancing. If you are not used to wearing heels, buy a pair that has small heels. If you are used to wearing heels but do not know how to dance in them, practice a few weeks ahead of prom night. Do not wear stilettos just because ‘you wear stilettos to prom’. The color and style of the footwear should complement that of your prom dress and not clash with it.
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In the first of what would become legendary strategy memos circulated among Republican policymakers, Kristol said the party should “kill”, not amend or compromise on, the Clinton health care plan. The success of the Clinton proposal, he warned, would “re legitimize middle class dependence for on government spending and regulation”, and “revive . the Democrats, as the generous protector of middle class interests.” Kristol memo immediately became important in uniting Republicans behind total opposition to Clinton reform plan. A later memo advocated the phrase “There is no health care crisis,” which Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole used in his response to Clinton 1994 State of the Union address.
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We saw all this in the late 80’s. Everyone was euphoric when Dinkins was elected. They were so happy to have a black mayor, to show how progressive the city was. Then he promptly ran it in the ground, and let crime get out of control (with the murder rate peaking at over 2,600 murders per year.) When it came to for the next election, no one wanted to have anything to do with him, and Giuliani was elected. If history repeats itself, history will repeat itself. Except for skin color, I see lots of Dinkins in Bla.
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My opinion is that I Don’t think de blasio is trying to rewrite history of eliminating former Mayor’s Bloomberg and Guliani, I think he is just trying to reverse what these two mayors have done in the past twenty years that lead NYC to what it is today. Me personally I don’t blame Guliani for anything and to be honest he was a pretty fine mayor. I was a young kid then and teen and I remember plenty of people moving up into the middle class during the tenure of Guliani. Also Guliani along with the implementation of technology help bring crime down in NYC, but that’s another controversial subject. IF anything De Blasio should be upset at former Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Under Bloomberg the city had grown economically with unequal proportions. With gentrification, rising cost of rents, utilities, food, taxes, transit and so forth, how can anyone afford to live, and those without means get caught up in the wrong circle which eventually leads to a Sean Bell or an Eric Garner or so forth. Bloomberg was out of touch with majority of New Yorkers and only cared about those with money, even those who voted for him like those ethnic native whites also got shunned by him. For what its worth Bloomberg changed NYC for better for some and worse for many others! Crap I don’t even think Dinkins was a bad mayor, he screwed up with the Crown Heights riots which showed how incompetent he was while the liberal gentry white of backed by Wall Street filled up Dinkins coffers.
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At some point in a girl teenage years, she likely flip through a friend teen magazine, purchase one off the newsstand or ask for a subscription of her own. For decades, teen magazines have shaped young girls attitudes about themselves, though not always in the healthiest ways. Become acquainted with the topics and advice teen magazines tend to offer to young readers before deciding if such publications are suitable for your child. The typical teen magazine features several beauty sections, offering young girls advice on how to get achieve the latest makeup looks, style their hair and lose unwanted weight. Magazine advertisements featuring thin models can further shape teenage girls ideas about image, and, according to some critics, give young girls unhealthy impressions about how they should look. While seemingly a harmless topic, these sections can also give young girls unhealthy or unreasonable expectations about their appearances. Unaffordable, high end couture showcases can influence older teens to spend beyond their means, while teeny swimsuits and other exceptionally small outfits can leave young girls feeling insecure about their bodies. On the other hand, magazines that teach girls how to get the latest fashion looks on a budget or feature clothing for different shapes and sizes can promote self esteem and teach girls how to shop responsibly.
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Hello, my name is Michelle Brione, I’m a celebrity makeup artist and beauty expert. And today, I’m going to tell you the things you need to get a smoky eye. Now, as you well know the smoky eye is a very sought after look in trend right now. So what you want to do is, you want to prime your eye first with an eye primer. And you just kind of want to go ahead and put it all over on the eye from the lower lid from, to the top of below the brow bone. Once you’ve done that, you want to pick your shades of shadow that you’re going to use. And I normally suggest three shadows. You want to go from a light to a medium to a dark. Because that’s going to give you the transition that you need, and the layering that you’re going to need to crate the smoky eye. Once you’ve layered your shadows, you want to go in and you want to kind of just do a cat eye right above the eyelid. And you can use a kohl liner, you can use a shadow or you can use whatever you prefer. And then, once you’ve done your little cat eye, you want to go underneath the eyelid. And you also want to go ahead and create a smoky eye underneath by either applying a kohl liner or a dark shadow or both. Once you’ve done that, you want to take your pencil brush and you want to blend it out and also blend it in. So that it gives it a really nice soft, smooth look. Once you’ve applied your shadow underneath your eye, then what you want to do is, you want to go right below the brow bone and add a highlighter. So that would make the appearance of your eye pop even more and give it more definition. Next, it’s optional, you can add fake lashes or you can apply a volumizing mascara. And that should complete your look.Things You Need to Keep in Mind While Ordering Flowers Online
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The case is much the same for CT, with the added wrinkle that CT involves ionizing radiation. This means that longer scan times (in order to get higher quality images) pose not only a cost issue, but can potential be hazardous to the short and long term health of the patient. There a lot of really cool stuff you can do to reduce exposure during imaging and there a lot of people working on ways to improve image through computational methods while reduce radiation exposure at the same time. The critical temperature varies for a lot of different superconductors, but in medical imaging it means you constantly have to keep your magnets under liquid helium. Coming above the critical temperature (quenching) is a Very Bad Thing and can basically turn your MRI scanner into a brick in some cases. There been a lot of improvements in technology to reduce boil off and other factors to minimize the amount of liquid helium you need, but it still very expensive.
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Very true, a white liberal republican can still be elected but it will be more hard this time due to the fact that their is change in racial and socio economic class in this city. You have a decline of native whites and a decline in NYC middle class families. Even Bloomberg who had support from working class native whites, what did Bloomberg do for native whites especially in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and those snow days that crippled the city? Nothing. Bloomberg only cared about money and not his voter base, unless is voter base came from money. I knew Quinn did not have it in the bag, but surprisingly she did very well in most of Manhattan especially in affluent and hip areas. What hurt Quinn was her close relationship with Bloomberg which no one really never liked along with her support of term limit extensions. If it was Quinn vs lhota believe me I would vote for Lhota in a heartbeat. Also Lhota never liked Bloomberg also had a very different rhetoric than Bloomberg. To be honest I don’t think the affluent New Yorkers did not go out to vote last year because Quinn was out of the running. The city’s demos now mitigate anybody like him right now. I’m sure native New Yorkers can see the great change. This aint grandaddy’s city. The extremes here are great and toxic.
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Melissa Willrts recently wrote a blog about this same thing, and I am still curious as to why people find it so offensive. I have a 5yo, 2yo and 13 month old , and yes (!!!!!) my hands are full . When people acknowledge this, I feel validated, not judged. I guess different things will bug different people, but I often get it from elderly people who are looking adoringly at my brood, and I feel like it comes from a place of bittersweet ness. Maybe they long to return to this time in their life! I figure someday I will wish someone was still saying it to me , instead of not paying attention to my teenage kiddos IF they will even go out with me !
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All these factors combine together, so there no real way to separate all of them. However, to simply pick one factor as the dominant one probably isn accurate. Our passing game struggles are due to a combination of our O line, our WRs, and Wilson (and the passing philosophy in general tendencies, and the WRs are an important part of that. If that team had an average ish defense with that offense as constructed they wouldn be that good. I mean that is obvious but the colts also went from a 2 14 team to 3 straight 11 5 seasons and that WR corp has not really been there that long and established(other than Wayne who is pretty forgettable by this point). It becomes of question of who makes what? Do WR make the QB or does the QB make the WR. It is probably a decent mixture of both but I say the QB makes the WR more than the other way(probably 65 35).
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Strong abs not only look great, but they also help you perform better at sports, lift more weight in the gym, maintain good posture and even prevent potential back pain while seated at your desk. Try any or all of these ab moves individually, as an add on to your workout or altogether as an abs centric circuit. If you performing them as a circuit, do 1 set of each move sequentially with 15 30 seconds in between exercises, repeating the full circuit up to 3 times in total. And, remember that amazing abs begin in the kitchen, so it crucial to pair these moves with a healthy diet for best results.Pump up the cardio while activating your abs with this multi tasking, calorie blasting move. HOW TO DO IT: Begin in a full plank position with arms extended under shoulders and legs extended straight with feet hip width and abs drawn in tight (body should create a diagonal line from head to heels). Quickly bend right knee into chest (without rounding back) then immediately return to start. Do 3 sets of 20 quick (almost at a running pace), alternating reps.5 Myths About High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)3. Boat PoseThis exercise is harder than it looks! Build strength, stamina and flexibility all at the same time with this challenging move that comes to us from yoga. HOW TO DO IT: Begin seated, balancing on your butt with your knees bent into chest. Keeping your spine naturally straight, extend your legs and hinge slightly back (avoid rounding your spine) engaging abs to lift your legs until body resembles a letter with arms extended on sides of thighs. (Make it easier by keeping knees bent in position if needed.) Hold for 30 90 seconds. Do 3 sets.10 Yoga Poses to Remove Stress and Relax You at Bedtime4. Side Hip RaiseFire up your obliques during this total body exercise that provides a great compliment to traditional crunch style abs moves. HOW TO DO IT: Begin lying on one side, with your bottom elbow bent under your shoulder and your legs extended straight with hips and heels stacked and your top hand on your hip. Engage your abs and lift your hip off the floor and press up into a side plank position. Lower your hip lightly to the floor and then immediately repeat. Do 3 sets of 12 reps on each side. Reverse CrunchThis move effectively targets the abdominal wall, with an extra emphasis on the lower region (often referred to as the abs HOW TO DO IT: Begin laying face up with your arms extended by your sides and your knees at a 90 degree angle above hips. Draw your abs into your spine and lift your hips and lower back off the floor, tucking your knees in toward your chest. (Use your arms to help lift your hips.) Slowly and with control, lower your back and hips to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.7. Bear CrawlThis MMA style move may not look like it doing much for your abs, but it will have your core muscles activating like crazy while also pumping up your heart rate and chiseling your arms, shoulders, legs and glutes too. HOW TO DO IT: From an all fours position with your toes tucked under, engage your abs and lift your knees slightly off the floor. (Your hips should stay in line with your shoulders.) Keeping your shoulders and hips in a straight line, take a step forward with your left hand and left foot. Immediately repeat on the right side. Crawl forward as quickly as possible with good form taking 20 forward at a time. Try up to 3 sets. Raised Legs CrunchA twist on the traditional crunch, the raised leg position in this move makes it impossible to cheat by using the glutes or legs which can help deepen the contraction of the abdominal wall. HOW TO DO IT: Begin laying face up with your knees bent at 90 degrees over your hips and your hands clasped behind your head. Exhale and round your spine, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. (Keep your elbows wide and avoid pulling on your head.) Return to start. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.10 Free Workout Videos to Get You Leaner and Stronger9. V UpsThis advanced move is a challenge for the abdominals and requires some flexibility, so feel free to modify by bending the knees as much as needed to build strength and mastery. HOW TO DO IT: Begin laying face up with your arms extended overhead and your palms facing up and legs out straight with your feet hip width apart. Engage your abdominals and sit all the way up into a position, lifting your legs and trying to touch the tops of your feet with your fingertips. Lower with control back to starting position. Try up to 3 sets of 10 reps.10 Essential Push Ups You Not Doing But You Should Be!10. Standing Rotational ChopThis functional exercise works the abdominal muscles and lower back together with an extra emphasis on the obliques. HOW TO DO IT: Begin standing with your feet wide and your knees slightly bent, holding onto the handle of an anchored cable or resistance band with your arms extended out in front of your lower chest. Brace your abs in tight to your spine and begin to chop your arms across your torso from side to side, keeping your hips steady while rotating your torso through the shoulders. (Adjust resistance as needed.) Do 3 sets of 15 reps. (Each side to side chop is 1 rep.)14 Protein Packed Breakfasts to Power You Through Morning11. One Armed Farmer WalkIt may not look like an abs move, but this single arm variation of the farmer walk exercise will have your core muscles working overtime to stabilize your spine with every unevenly weighted step. HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet under your hips, holding 1 dumbbell or kettlebell to the side of your body with your palm facing in. 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Very true, a white liberal republican can still be elected but it will be more hard this time due to the fact that their is change in racial and socio economic class in this city. You have a decline of native whites and a decline in NYC middle class families. Even Bloomberg who had support from working class native whites, what did Bloomberg do for native whites especially in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and those snow days that crippled the city? Nothing. Bloomberg only cared about money and not his voter base, unless is voter base came from money. I knew Quinn did not have it in the bag, but surprisingly she did very well in most of Manhattan especially in affluent and hip areas. What hurt Quinn was her close relationship with Bloomberg which no one really never liked along with her support of term limit extensions. If it was Quinn vs lhota believe me I would vote for Lhota in a heartbeat. Also Lhota never liked Bloomberg also had a very different rhetoric than Bloomberg. To be honest I don’t think the affluent New Yorkers did not go out to vote last year because Quinn was out of the running. The city’s demos now mitigate anybody like him right now. I’m sure native New Yorkers can see the great change. This aint grandaddy’s city. The extremes here are great and toxic.
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Do 3 sets of 20 quick (almost at a running pace), alternating reps.5 Myths About High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)3. Boat PoseThis exercise is harder than it looks! Build strength, stamina and flexibility all at the same time with this challenging move that comes to us from yoga. HOW TO DO IT: Begin seated, balancing on your butt with your knees bent into chest. Keeping your spine naturally straight, extend your legs and hinge slightly back (avoid rounding your spine) engaging abs to lift your legs until body resembles a letter with arms extended on sides of thighs. (Make it easier by keeping knees bent in position if needed.) Hold for 30 90 seconds. Do 3 sets.10 Yoga Poses to Remove Stress and Relax You at Bedtime4. Side Hip RaiseFire up your obliques during this total body exercise that provides a great compliment to traditional crunch style abs moves. HOW TO DO IT: Begin lying on one side, with your bottom elbow bent under your shoulder and your legs extended straight with hips and heels stacked and your top hand on your hip. Engage your abs and lift your hip off the floor and press up into a side plank position. Lower your hip lightly to the floor and then immediately repeat. Do 3 sets of 12 reps on each side. Reverse CrunchThis move effectively targets the abdominal wall, with an extra emphasis on the lower region (often referred to as the abs HOW TO DO IT: Begin laying face up with your arms extended by your sides and your knees at a 90 degree angle above hips. Draw your abs into your spine and lift your hips and lower back off the floor, tucking your knees in toward your chest. (Use your arms to help lift your hips.) Slowly and with control, lower your back and hips to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.7. Bear CrawlThis MMA style move may not look like it doing much for your abs, but it will have your core muscles activating like crazy while also pumping up your heart rate and chiseling your arms, shoulders, legs and glutes too. HOW TO DO IT: From an all fours position with your toes tucked under, engage your abs and lift your knees slightly off the floor. (Your hips should stay in line with your shoulders.) Keeping your shoulders and hips in a straight line, take a step forward with your left hand and left foot. Immediately repeat on the right side. Crawl forward as quickly as possible with good form taking 20 forward at a time. Try up to 3 sets. Raised Legs CrunchA twist on the traditional crunch, the raised leg position in this move makes it impossible to cheat by using the glutes or legs which can help deepen the contraction of the abdominal wall. HOW TO DO IT: Begin laying face up with your knees bent at 90 degrees over your hips and your hands clasped behind your head. Exhale and round your spine, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. (Keep your elbows wide and avoid pulling on your head.) Return to start. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.10 Free Workout Videos to Get You Leaner and Stronger9. V UpsThis advanced move is a challenge for the abdominals and requires some flexibility, so feel free to modify by bending the knees as much as needed to build strength and mastery. HOW TO DO IT: Begin laying face up with your arms extended overhead and your palms facing up and legs out straight with your feet hip width apart. Engage your abdominals and sit all the way up into a position, lifting your legs and trying to touch the tops of your feet with your fingertips. Lower with control back to starting position. Try up to 3 sets of 10 reps.10 Essential Push Ups You Not Doing But You Should Be!10. Standing Rotational ChopThis functional exercise works the abdominal muscles and lower back together with an extra emphasis on the obliques. HOW TO DO IT: Begin standing with your feet wide and your knees slightly bent, holding onto the handle of an anchored cable or resistance band with your arms extended out in front of your lower chest. Brace your abs in tight to your spine and begin to chop your arms across your torso from side to side, keeping your hips steady while rotating your torso through the shoulders. (Adjust resistance as needed.) Do 3 sets of 15 reps. (Each side to side chop is 1 rep.)14 Protein Packed Breakfasts to Power You Through Morning11. One Armed Farmer WalkIt may not look like an abs move, but this single arm variation of the farmer walk exercise will have your core muscles working overtime to stabilize your spine with every unevenly weighted step. HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet under your hips, holding 1 dumbbell or kettlebell to the side of your body with your palm facing in. 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Edit: The only place I can spot on the map that would make for a good relocation of McCoy stadium would be where the Providence waterfront is today. Lots of long roads off the highway leading up to it that can buffer traffic, enough space, enough infrastructure and nearby business to handle that kind of crowd, and it would make a nice anchor for the whole I 195 relocation. Good question. The Warwick location has been there a while, so maybe they were working under a different philosophy at the time? Or maybe they believe the crazy amount of business they get over there, even without booze, makes it worth it for one store? And, of course, maybe the employee I spoke to didn really know what they were talking about. Seems like a pretty high level decision for somebody working in the store to be made aware of.
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I was about to take the nursing board exam in my country, then my friend told me to search the novena of 24 glory be of St. Therese of Holy Child of Jesus, since i was in an inhouse program ( 28 days stay in a private facilities with no communication outside and far from the city), no internet connection except for a globe usb net, so i reseach the novena and luckly i found it. I started to pray after the holy rosary, i asked for a sign f I can pass the board exam, i sign was a pink rose. Five days before the exam no pink rose was seen, i never lost hope, on the third day prior to the exam, we had a church visit and so i pray again nine churches, on the 8th church i stopped, i lost hope and concluded thatI will failed the exam , the 9th church was far from the 8th so i slept, when we arrived to the last church and fall a line to see the image of Mother Mary i saw a pink rose on the base of the image, tears in my eyes sheild for happiness for i know, she hear my prayers. the sign was trueI PASSED EXAM. thank u MOTHER MARY AND ST. THERESE OF HOLY CHILD OF JESUS.Theriskyclick comments on Happy birthday Roe v
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Please do NOT post in this subreddit if you are under the age of 18. First of all, talk to your parents about why that not appropriate (do you want creepers?) and second, please message the mods if you have any questions about WHY this is a subreddit rule. All posts featuring pictures of children will be removed without warning.
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Equally obvious, the diverse Muslim diaspora cannot be treated as a dangerous monolith, given that Muslims are the primary victims of oppression by Muslims and the overwhelming majority of Muslims either prefer the peaceful precepts of the Koran or are not highly religious.
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deBlasio is trying to rewrite History by eliminating Bloomberg and Rudy from history and legitimize Sharpton. The educated New Yorker will see deBlasio for what he is. The uneducated sheep that only know how to follow blindly with the promise of a government handout will follow. The issue is this. The educated voter of all races don’t like it when politicians think they know more than they do when it’s obvious that not only do they not know as much they think they so a guy like deBlasio and Dinkins before him and even Bloomberg towards the end of his second term and entire third term go about it smugly. That’s when the voters who did not vote in the previous election will show up in force.
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Egyptians used it then and now, so will you. Alum is a perfect option for an aftershave which acts both as an antiseptic and constricting agent (it contracts blood vessels for bleeding to stop). Alum will take care of your nicks and damaged skin like a caring momma. Rub alum on your wet skin for a minute and leave for another one or two minutes to let it do its healing magic. Caveat Alum causes a little stinging sensation but worry not as it is a sign that its palliative properties are at work. Also, alum has propensity to dry the skin, so those with already dry skin, don’t rub it vehemently but use it sparingly and apply a good moisturizer after (unless you want to look like some worn out alligator tote bag).
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Thought that was well known. it’s not only blacks and whites. it’s everyone in general as more people from all over the country. all over the world actually move here. It started with Williamsburg. then bed stuy, bushwick, some parts of red hook, astoria and etc. and now it will extend into deeper parts of NYC such as some parts of east new york(slowly but surely), bay ridge(not fully yet because alot of people own their homes there and will take a while but it’ll happen), south bronx(believe me it’s gonna happen), and etc.There’s No Room for Rudolph Giuliani in Bill de Blasio’s New York Ridge
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Last decade there emerged a new avenue for retail investors and traders to participate: this was the new modified electronic platform of commodity derivatives. For those who want to diversify their portfolios beyond shares, bonds and real estate, commodities emerged as an alternative tool and one of the best option across the globe. Till some years ago, this wouldn’t have made sense. For retail investors, they could have done very little to actually invest in commodities beyond gold and silver however the emergence of state of the art technology and methodologies it became possible to think beyond traditional asset class and invest or manage the risk in various other commodities like chana, oilseeds, crude oil and copper etc. in the futures market.
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In this fashion, from the ninth to the seventeenth of each month, those who want to participate in the Twenty four “Glory be to the Father’s” novena, should add to those of their own, the intentions of all who are at that time making the novena, thus forming one great prayer in common.
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Hiking Boots Hiking boots are fashion forward this season. This year they’re exaggerated, with big buckles and lots of them, or laces that go on forever. If you like the look, and it’s probably one shoe design that’s actually foot friendly, reserve an extra five minutes for shoes on, shoes off duty, because this choice is bold, dynamic and labor intensive. If you just have to add a girlie touch, try a hiking boot with a high heel yes, they are making them, and they add just the right feminine note. They’re long and plush, and they make the new short, pleated, skirt styles look flirty and finished. The Eskimos call them mukluks, but this fall we call them just plain fun. If you love the idea of a little fur (faux, of course) you can expand your choices to include a fur handbag, scarf, coat, shawl, vest or even skirt, too. It’s all good.These boots are made for walking
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A designer dog is basically a cross between two purebred dogs this case, we have the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and the Standard Poodle. A purebred dog comes from a long line of ancestors who have more or less the same temperament and physical characteristics. With hybrids or designer dogs, it gets a little tougher to predict the outcome, since crossbred puppies borrow traits from both parents, and end up with some rather unique characteristics of their own.
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Please do NOT post in this subreddit if you are under the age of 18. First of all, talk to your parents about why that not appropriate (do you want creepers?) and second, please message the mods if you have any questions about WHY this is a subreddit rule. All posts featuring pictures of children will be removed without warning.
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Cutting your old band T shirt isn just a way to make it fit better; snipping it in the right spots can actually give it a whole new look. For a simple revamp of your tee, cut off the sleeves to create a tank style shirt. You can also trim away the neckline to create a looser, off the shoulder fit. Cutting strips all along the hem of the tee and knotting the pieces can give the shirt a fun, fringed look. You can also get creative and cut out shapes from the back of your band T shirt to expose some skin go simple with some triangle cut outs across the shoulders or try a bolder look by cutting out a large heart or star in the center of the tee back.
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The awkward ceiling height and difficult access make many attics unusable as living space without costly remodeling work, but they can provide storage for a variety of items. Protect those items and make it easier to find what you need by organizing them in airtight bins or heavy duty boxes, with the contents labeled. Unless you have a climate controlled attic, certain items shouldn be stored in this space. Delicate fabrics, including clothing and linens, and important documents and photos, may become damaged due to excess cold, heat, humidity and insects, even if stored in a container.
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You may have a good idea as to what size is best for your unique body type. However, every brand is different and so is the fit. As a good start, determine your ballpark size. Take the measuring tape out and get the exact measurements of yourself. Write them down on a piece of paper for easy accessibility while you’re online. And while you’re on the different sites, study their size conversion charts as well. However, be warned that the fits may vary by style and/or manufacturer.
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An online purchase, especially of pawn items, although has its own share of advantages, but the one downside that it has is that you don’t get a chance to bargain further in the presence of the seller. While pawn brokers have hands on experience in bargaining, some items may be bought at much cheaper prices when buying from a physical store, especially if they have been there for quite some time. Nonetheless, the aforementioned points will definitely help you get a deal that is not only profitable, but also secure.Things to Know Before Buying Them
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My son is 9yrs old and stole a Lego from school and I took him to the police station and ask one of the officers to talk to him and she did talk to him after she made him take his shoes and coat off and patted him down and put him in hand cuffs. She had him sit in her office and think about what he did. She talked with him for about twenty minutes. After she had me come in an he apologized to me. She told him at 8 yrs old u can go to juvenile. She told him she would let him go home but to write a 3 page paper on why we don steal, lie , or be disrespect and bring it back to her in a week. At the end she told him that he can always call or come talk to her if he needs a friend. It may have been harsh and scary but I think it worked and I hope he learned a lesson and won do it again. So yes I would turn my children in just as those parents did.
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This answer was edited by DtKnight 149 days ago.

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Posts suggesting alternative medicinal treatments for bipolar disorder will be removed unless links to peer reviewed articles are provided. We want r/BipolarReddit to be a safe reliable place to get information and ethically we cannot advocate any trea…

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After which there was Ted Turner’s Cable News Network, CNN, which flicked on its broadcasters in 1980. Suddenly, news producers wanted to fill not only one half-hour time slot, but forty eight of those time slots, day by day. Together with Property Key(PK), Category(CG) and O, there are altogether 29 (57 in the IOB scheme) slot labels in our downside. In the named entity level, “连衣裙”(costume) is a Category (B-CG/I-CG), while “品牌”(model) is labeled as Property Key (B-PK/I-PK), which is the identify of 1 product property. At its most fundamental level, online scheduling is an interface in which multiple parties could make appointments or schedule duties over an Internet connection. The identical news junkies who used to show to 24-hour cable information to get by-the-minute updates have now defected to the Internet for second-by-second news. Interestingly, this culture of opinionated journalism that now supplies the backbone of a cable news station’s rankings may show to be their downfall. Friday time slot. The show originally aired on Wednesdays at 10 p.m., and it enjoyed excessive scores until NBC moved it to Friday evenings, a digital death sentence for many Tv shows.




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【画像あり】 性的サービスする嬢ってすごいよな、こんなのでも我慢するんだぜ…
【画像あり】 性的サービスする嬢ってすごいよな、こんなのでも我慢するんだぜ…